Monday 10 May 2010

Sipho Seepe & Annette Lansink: What on earth are you two saying?!

Please read this article by Sipho Seepe and Annette Lansink. Now, if you were a teacher/lecturer what grade would you give the authors? If you have the time, do scroll down after reading that article and you will see a crisp comment on the content of the article. You will also see the kind of negative comment that the manner in which the article is written invites.

The debate is important, more important than I have the words or the time to properly express its importance. The contribution of the authors (both of whom are not strangers to academia) would in my view have been much more useful if it was not set in such hard to get through language. What on earth does "Diversity can be systemic and programmatic with differentiation conceptualised along vertical or horizontal axis." mean?

A student organisation I belonged to many years ago, recognised the inequalities not only in the education that prepared students for university but also in how universities treated students unfairly in their attempt to treat students equally. We have an opportunity to formulate strategies for higher education that seeks to promote excellence without being elitist. It is possible to motivate students of all sorts of backgrounds to strive to be the best they can be. To introduce, as some institutions have done, programmes to help students to get better. All well and good but until and unless the students themselves accept that theirs is an intellectual project, I doubt if it would be of any use.

What the article succeded in doing was to leave me rather cloudy. Unhelpful really.


  1. Extremely difficult reading loaded with twelve inch words. Hmmmmmm! I wonder who it was meant to impress.

