Monday 26 January 2009

Briefly on Brain Gain . . .

According to the newspapers South Africans stand to gain some brains thanks to the near collapse of the economies abroad. What with the death of financial giants and retailers alike -South Africans who previously would not be caught dead in this terrible country, are now considering coming home to contribute to the growth of the economy, skills transfer and so on and so forth.

For this I am supposed to be grateful because the dark cloud of international meltdown has a silver lining of returnee brains for South Africa. Pardon me for not rushing off to popping the bubbly, I am simply not enthused about this brain gain line I am being fed.

For one thing, this is the very brains involved in the activities that led to the melt down, happily claiming the bonusses for peddling debt, among other things. Granted some of them worked for Woolworths and were not beneficiaries of those other scams. Be that as it may, I would rather the recently unemployed who have suddenly discovered their SA passports and the love for year long summers, came back and politely asked if there is room for them under our sun. Being the forgiving lot we are, they may be pleasantly surprised. They may have to live next to black people and get private security guards, risk having Malema as minister of education and so on and so forth.

Our need for all manner of skills, I have come to understand, is more apparent than real. It is sort of like white folks leave, there goes the brains and white folks face foreclosure over-seas, here come the brains.

Briefly put - kak.


  1. Hehe! Oh man, I had to chuckle at this. Eish... Kak indeed!

  2. Isn't this the story of the world. Most people believe civilization and prosperity only exist when white people are present. If they disappear so do those things.

  3. "They may have to live next to black people and get private security guards, risk having Malema as minister of education and so on and so forth."

    I've been seeing all of the "returning ex-pats" headlines recently and my feelings are almost exactly yours.
