Thursday 15 January 2009

"Six thousand rockets later"

This is a quote from "The Conservative Sage" a blogger based in the US. This is infact a mantra that he repeats several times in his post "Hamas and the Hornest Nest". Of course this is not new to those who have been following the war being waged by Israel against the people of Gaza.

Those like the blogger I referred to, who are in support of the Israeli assault on Gaza wish the world to believe that Israel is doing what any country would given the same circumstances - defend itself. There has already been a lot written and said about this conflict and frankly, the world does not care what I have to say on the subject. It is my belive however, that the world should know that there some who disagree with the Conservative Sage and with the Israeli prime minister on the Gaza onslaught.

In response to the 6000 rockets said to have been launched from Gaza by Hamas since 2006, Israel proceeded - and is still at it - to reduce Gaza, a sovereign Palestinian state to rubble. This is after the years of on and off blockade of the territory. All this in the name of self defence, an inalienable right for all.

The Conservative Sage asks, with palpable irritation where all the pro-Gaza demonstrators and the UN were, when 6000 thousand missiles were landing in Israel. He also reminds us all that Hamas has publicly stated that it intends to do away with the state of Israel. I suppose then that Israel is facing one of those classical war situations "if not them, then us" and it has decided that it is not going to be Israel that is done away with.

Nowhere in the references to the 6000 rockets is it indicated how many people were killed as a result. I am no expert on matters of the middle east and what I say is always fourth hand but the last I read, it was some 14 deaths and I don't know how many buildings. For the record, murder of one human being is just as bad and should not become a numbers game. There is however a sense of horror when 1000 is killed in less than a month as opposed to 6000 rockets since 2006.

I don't know what it is that Israel could or should have done, other than obliterating a generation or two and reducing Gaza to a rubble. I am no military fundi and do not know strategies of war. I do however know mass scale murder when I see one - even if it is intended to stop 6000 rockets since 2006. I also do not know whether each one of the people of Gaza (infants, toddlers, octagenarians, etc.) are members or supporters of Hamas - neither does Israel. It is argued that the people of Gaza habour terrorists (in which case they bring this horror upon themselves), alternatively the terrorists use the people of Gaza a human shields (in which case shame and blame on Hamas).

I do know that it is on the wrong side of barbaric to kill, maim and destroy at the scale now on the go in Gaza - whatever the justification, if there can be any. In the meantime the world looks on and does nothing. What can be done? Nothing it seems - might seems right.

6000 rockets, Iraq, Afghanistan and Gaza later we welcome a new dawn and a new approach to international dispute resolution. A new international order where we should all pray that we are never at odds with our neighbouring countries for if we find ourselves at odds and they have bigger guns than ours, we will truly be screwed. Why should anyone care then, we stood by when they came for Palestinians - safe in our belief that we are not muslims or Palestinians, so they will or should leave us alone.

All this, for 6000 rockets, in 3 years.

1 comment:

  1. It is sad that the UN can bitterly complain when its school or its humanitarian aid camp is bombed by mistake. What they are in effect saying is that Israel can bomb the Palestinians all they want as long as the buildings of the UN are unaffected.

    I saw in the news yestersay that Israel is now using white phosphorus in the war. I do not know what white phosphorus does but apparently it is prohibited from use in built up areas during the war. One doctor was also on radio yesterday saying that Israel is testing new weapons on the Palestinians because the wounds that they are coming across as a result of the bombing defies explanation when viewed against the weapons that can be used in a war.

    I personally think that African countries should follow Hugo Chavez's example and expel the Israeli ambassadors from their countries and cut deplomatic ties with them
